ISNI Registration

Register Artist Name Or Alias

The service of international registration of authors with the possibility of creating a register of creative works

from 18 000 ֏

Register Artist Name Or Alias

How to get an author identification

  • arrow

    Register at website

  • arrow

    Fill in the blank

  • arrow

    Pay for the serfice

  • Get the certificate

Use ISNI to monetize your content anywhere in the world

The unique identifier received during registration will accurately identify you as the author of content on digital platforms working with ISNI.

Official confirmation

The legislation does not establish a mandatory procedure for registering a pseudonym, only the right to use it is provided. Registration in the international registry and obtaining an ISNI provide for the registration of an appropriate certificate. The document is perpetual and confirms the right to use one or more aliases

Check the ISNI

certificate example
The certificate consists of

QR code of the entry in the international registry

The QR code provides a quick transition to the registration entry in the international registry of ISNI identifiers and access to all related information posted in the public domain
Register and create your creative profile. The ISNI identifier uniquely identifies the author of any content posted on partner digital platforms.
Get an ISNI certificate
certificate example
Printed certificate with delivery in Armenia and the CIS.
Production of a premium certificate.
Background image Background image

Who can get an ISNI

In the context of the development of digital law, the issue of protecting the interests of the author becomes even more relevant for those who create content. The connection of the creative results with the name or pseudonym of their creator, even if the names and surnames coincide, is established upon receipt of the ISNI identifier — one of the most common identification tools in the digital environment
ISNI and public creative profile — reputation of your name and creative activity
Use the ISNI to monetize your conten

Musicians and musical bands

Artists and designers






Content creators


Having received a unique identifier during registration, you will ensure an error-free identification of the ownership of your works and works posted on digital platforms. Whatever your creative role — musician or photographer, screenwriter or journalist, poet or director, arranger or designer — the creative portfolio associated with your ISNI (catalog of works) will be available to the global creative community, and in case of disputes — to lawyers, lawyers and judges.

To register, you will need to provide the name (for the author) or the name of the creative team or organization (for legal entities), the date of birth of the author or the date of foundation of the team or the date of registration of the legal entity, the type of work and your role in its creation.

When registering several aliases, the author can receive a unique ISNI identifier for each of them. Since it is impossible to register an alias without a name, all aliases will be associated with the author's name. This approach allows, if necessary, to separate the content created under a pseudonym or all the works created by the author, taking into account the pseudonyms used.

Become a part of the global community of authors
Create a creative profile, share with the world what you have created




The language of the certificate

Type of certificate

Electronic certificate in PDF format

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ISNI?

Why do I need a name/pseudonym registration?

What is the ISNI identifier for?

When and why did ISNI appear? Who uses it?

If i am a designer, who doesn’t have a pseudonym, why do I need an ISNI?

What does registering a name mean when registering a pseudonym?

Can anyone use the pseudonym that I registered at ISNI?

How can I use ISNI?

What is a creative profile?